Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stars on Parade

So .. we're reconnoitering for our big battle against REAL ... lurking in the shadows trying to peek in their guildhall window or overhear some war strategy, when I hear a godawful squawk behind me and chairs and stuff bang about inside as the warriors inside jump to the door to see what's going on.  I almost had a heart attack running away.  Fortunately, I got fleet foots.  Turns out that my stealthy partner, Eagle Talon, had chipped the polish on his new talon manicure and that is what the hubbub was about.  Man, you just can't take some people anywhere!  Even more fortunately, we have new taps downstairs and can embellish this tale properly!  As well as hoisting a flagon for
  • 110: Rosehood
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  • Down at the bottom of each post is a "wisecracks" link where you can post your own commentary, rebuttal or whatever.  I encourage you to do so.  I do moderate comments, because I've seen the pharmaceutical type spam that can infest forums if the site owners aren't careful.  I assure you that I'll post your comments as is.  *winks at biz*  I've even posted bizerco's comments without edit.
  • I am looking for a couple of others to help me with this site.  One for books, one for tracking our war effort and sharing tips for having the best high-level toon.  If either of those appeal to you, please let me know!  I'd like to get another couple of sections going.  
  • Quacknor .. nice crits today in battle!
-- x.0 --


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